Heidi and Christopher Mueller had a romantic aspiration: to escape the corporate world and create the perfect small luxury hotel. For two years they spent their free time searching for their Italian idyl; it had to be intimate and secluded, but also accessible to the cultural riches of the region. Eventually, they stumbled upon a beautiful hillside property, right next to Montepulciano, hereafter starting La Lupaia’s story.
It was once a remote and rugged place, named after the wolves that roamed the hilltop. A place where farmers settled and built the stone barns scattered along our trails. Heidi and Christopher have restored these original two-story dwellings, transforming them into 12 charming rooms and suites. La Lupaia is the perfect place to be in touch with nature and, most importantly, with yourself.
Client since:
– Ufficio Stampa
– PR